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10701 Starbucks - French Roast 2.5oz. 18ct. 10701 Starbucks - French Roast 2.5oz. 18ct.

Blunt, smoky flavors are the objective in creating this, our darkest roasted coffee..(more)

10703 Starbucks - House Blend 2.5oz. 18ct. 10703 Starbucks - House Blend 2.5oz. 18ct.

A wonderful, straightforward blend of Latin American coffees. The bright flavor is ..(more)

10705 Starbucks - House Blend Decaf 2.5 oz. 18ct. 10705 Starbucks - House Blend Decaf 2.5 oz. 18ct.

Decaf House Blend is a clean-finishing decaf that offers round smoothness in a bala..(more)

12603 Starbucks - Colombian Beans 1 Lb. 12603 Starbucks - Colombian Beans 1 Lb.

A big, bold, full-bodied cup of coffee, with an aroma that lingers all day.<..(more)

10702 Starbucks - Cafe Verona 2.5oz. 18ct. 10702 Starbucks - Cafe Verona 2.5oz. 18ct.

Cafe Verona is a seductive blend of beans from Latin America and Indonesia, with a ..(more)

10704 Starbucks - Breakfast Blend 2.5oz. 18ct. 10704 Starbucks - Breakfast Blend 2.5oz. 18ct.

Breakfast Blend is light-bodied and light-roasted, and it will imbue your morning w..(more)

12611 Starbucks - French Roast Beans 1 Lb. 12611 Starbucks - French Roast Beans 1 Lb.

Blunt, smoky flavors are the objective in creating this, our darkest roasted coffee. The intense flavor makes it one of our most popular coffees.(more)

10706 Starbucks - Sumatra 2.5 oz. 18ct. 10706 Starbucks - Sumatra 2.5 oz. 18ct.

Sumatra has a full, syrupy body with virtually no acidity - so the coffee\'s ..(more)

12608 Starbucks - Cafe Verona Decaf Beans 1 Lb. 12608 Starbucks - Cafe Verona Decaf Beans 1 Lb.

Starbucks' most popular coffee, Caffè Verona® is a versatile, complex bl..(more)

12610 Starbucks - Cafe Verona Beans 1 Lb. 12610 Starbucks - Cafe Verona Beans 1 Lb.

Cafe Verona is a seductive blend of beans from Latin America and Indonesia, with a ..(more)

12612 Starbucks - House Blend Decaf Beans 1 Lb. 12612 Starbucks - House Blend Decaf Beans 1 Lb.

This clean-finished decaf offers round smoothness in a balanced, straightforward cu..(more)

12613 Starbucks - House Blend Beans 1 Lb. 12613 Starbucks - House Blend Beans 1 Lb.

A straightforward, medium-bodied blend with a smooth, clean finish(more)

12614 Starbucks - Sumatra Beans 1 Lb. 12614 Starbucks - Sumatra Beans 1 Lb.

It’s earthy, full-bodied with little or no acidity. The intensity of this cof..(more)

12615 Starbucks - Sulawesi Beans 1 Lb. 12615 Starbucks - Sulawesi Beans 1 Lb.

Indonesia's most elegant coffee, Sulawesi offers an earthy aroma, smooth full body ..(more)

12617 Starbucks - Breakfast Blend Beans 1 Lb. 12617 Starbucks - Breakfast Blend Beans 1 Lb.

A blend of Latin American coffees. Mild and flavorful, this light-bodied blend make..(more)

12619 Starbucks - Yukon Beans 1 Lb. 12619 Starbucks - Yukon Beans 1 Lb.

The coffee is well balanced, acidity is medium at best. I picture myself curled up ..(more)

12620 Starbucks - Kenya Beans 1 Lb. 12620 Starbucks - Kenya Beans 1 Lb.

Medium-bodied Kenya has layers of flavor, from black currant or blackberry to sweet..(more)

12621 Starbucks - Colombian Beans 1 Lb. 12621 Starbucks - Colombian Beans 1 Lb.

The Starbucks 100% Columbia Coffee is derived from beans which are roasted until th..(more)

12622 Starbucks - Breakfast Blend Decaf Beans 1 Lb. 12622 Starbucks - Breakfast Blend Decaf Beans 1 Lb.

Mild and flavorful, this light-bodied blend of Latin American coffees makes a brigh..(more)

12624 Starbucks - Guatemala Beans 1 Lb. 12624 Starbucks - Guatemala Beans 1 Lb.

With refined acidity, subtle cocoa texture and gentle spice flavors, this coffee is..(more)

12625 Starbucks  - Organic Serena Beans 1 Lb. 12625 Starbucks - Organic Serena Beans 1 Lb.

This blend of organic coffees from Latin America and East Africa offers striking ci..(more)

12626 Starbucks - Organic Shade Beans 1 Lb. 12626 Starbucks - Organic Shade Beans 1 Lb.

This light-bodied coffee with bold acidity and a crisp, refreshing finish comes fro..(more)

15101 Starbucks - Cafe Verona Ground 1 Lb. 15101 Starbucks - Cafe Verona Ground 1 Lb.

Cafe Verona is a seductive blend of beans from Latin America and Indonesia, with a ..(more)

15102 Starbucks - House Blend Decaf Ground 1 Lb. 15102 Starbucks - House Blend Decaf Ground 1 Lb.

This clean-finished decaf offers round smoothness in a balanced, straightforward cu..(more)

15104 Starbucks - (Ground) Breakfast Blend 1 Lb. 15104 Starbucks - (Ground) Breakfast Blend 1 Lb.

A blend of Latin American coffees. Mild and flavorful, this light-bodied blend make..(more)

15105 Starbucks - (Ground) French Roast 1 Lb. 15105 Starbucks - (Ground) French Roast 1 Lb.

Blunt, smoky flavors are the objective in creating this, our darkest roasted coffee..(more)

14101 Starbucks Medium Roast Pikes Place 24 ct 14101 Starbucks Medium Roast Pikes Place 24 ct

 A smoo..(more)


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